Connecting To My Heart

Who gives you the courage to fly? Who shows you your wings?

I believe this new year of 2012 is about having the courage to do what it is that makes one’s heart smile. It is the case for me and I had to learn to say ‘no’ to some things and then definitely say ‘yes!’ to other things, even if it partly scared me to death. Well, okay not to death. But not knowing if I can or can’t do something, sometimes it’s blurry.

I suppose a little bit like now. When I decided to embrace and be the artist I truly am – and wholeheartedly – it meant embracing photography and painting. Two of my loves. I realize now how connected they are.

Embarking on this new journey, one that I have yearned for for so long, means recognizing that I have been stumbling upon “doors” and I now see how they have been open and waiting for me. If they appeared shut, it only meant I had to look for the key and that the key meant that I would have to leap, fly – do something in order to be set free. It meant I had to let go. It sounds so romantic but there are unromantic days of endless laundry (still endless) and meals to cook, errands to run, and duties, duties, duties. I guess know it all just means that I would have to find the “magic” even in those areas; those ordinary places of routine can be a bit of a “blah”, true. But, they are sources just the same. You choose if it is “blah” or not. I had to really see that inspiration is everywhere and everything is all connected. Okay, we’re all allowed bad days. I agree. But those are all part of a whole.

These are my baby wings. I’m feeling the need for flight and I am ready to use them even though it means I could fall. Sure I’m scared but I’ve got my handy-dandy word for the year also beating in my heart. So between being scared and having courage, I now believe things are going to be alright, whatever happens.

Among the many “doors” I stumbled upon is the one where Kat Sloma of Kat Eye Studio’s “house” is. There is an ongoing project in her blog called the Photo-Heart Connection. And the photo above is the reason why it’s there in the first place. Read more about it here why I feel it is the image my heart strongly connected to in January. Oh, and yes, I am doing the 365 project that many over at Shutter Sisters are also involved in. It is a very wonderful community of fellow creative  beings that I am happy to be flying with.

I shall stop here so as not to feel overwhelmed. I wish you the courage to be all you can be.

Perhaps you would like to participate in the Photo-Heart Connection, too.

8 thoughts on “Connecting To My Heart

  1. The journey you are on has touched my heart! Having the courage to do what makes your heart smile is not always easy. Saying “yes” and “no” to the right things is not always easy. But you are stepping forward through the fears, with growing strength, to move ahead. Such a beautiful post! I’m honored that you are participating in the Photo-Heart Connection, as part of your journey. Thank you!

  2. Congratulations for embarking on the journey to do what makes your heart smiles. This photo made me smile. Thank you for sharing and I look forward to hopping back each month.

  3. This is beautiful! I can see and sense your wholehearted smile full of courage & heart. Your phrase, “recognizing that I have been stumbling upon “doors” and I now see how they have been open and waiting for me.” really struck a cord in me.

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